Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Picture This
Monday, December 29, 2008
A History Lesson
(Here they are riding in their first Tuk-tuk!)
It didn’t even matter that their arrival came 3 DAYS later than expected, and completely shifted our whole trip’s itinerary. Because I wanted my mom and dad to have the best experience possible in Cambodia, I was fairly upset when I realized we would have to forgo our excursion to the ruins at Siem Reap. But we made the most of their 6 full days here, packing in a visit to Wat Phnom, the Russian Market, the National Park, and even an all-day trip to several village churches for worship. There will be more to come on that experience in a later post. But today, I wanted to write about our first day’s excursion to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and Choeung Ek (or the Killing Fields).
(Tuol Sleng Museum's Entrance)
Anyone who has read anything on Cambodia knows that the horrendous genocide that took place barely 30 years ago under the Khmer Rouge has single-handedly shaped this nation in ways we Westerners will never truly fathom. Killing off 1/5 of the nation’s inhabitants, Pol Pot’s brutal communist regime mercilessly beat, starved and tortured between 1 to 2.5 million people during his rule from 1975 to 1979.
There are few, if any, Cambodians that have not personally suffered in some way because of the terror inflicted on their nation. Many of my peers here have had to grow up without parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles. In fact, so many people died during that small section of time that there is a gap in Cambodia’s population. Today, the average age in Cambodia is 20.6 years, and over half the people are under the age of 25! Land mine victims can be found on nearly every corner- some begging for spare change, others working selling cards or other handmade crafts. Even a short visit to Cambodia will reveal how deeply impacted everyone here continues to be by the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge.
I know none of that is something that many of you want to hear. However, I personally think it is essential that people the world over open their eyes to the atrocities going on around them. No, they are not pleasant to hear about. But unless and until we acknowledge the evil that exist in the world today, we can never hope to defeat it. That is why I was so eager to take my mom and dad to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum as well as to the Killing Fields. I wanted them to see firsthand how horrible the Khmer Rouge’s actions were. While not a lighthearted day, our time spent touring those two sights was undoubtedly impactful.
Here are some photos of the victims of S-21, a prison in which the museum is located:
And here are the cells people were kept inside:
Here are a few of the excavated mass graves at the Kiling Fields:
I think this sign speaks for itself.
If you can't read that sign at the bottom, it says, "Please don't walk through the mass grave."
I will avoid a long explanation here of everything in these photos. Instead, here are some links to information about both the prison and the Killing Fields for those of you that are interested to learn more.
Friday, December 19, 2008
My New Job and Why I Hate Winter
So far, I'm loving my new temporary accommodations. Kenny and Jasmine are my fun new companions. Both adopted kitties have incredible stories of how they were rescued- Kenny still bears the scars from when he was found caught in barbed wire and Jasmine got stuck in a sticky-paper rat trap when she was just a few weeks old. The toxins in the glue on the trap meant Jasmine almost died of liver failure. But she pulled through, thanks to special soap to remove the glue from her skin and and IV drip to help her body work the chemicals out of her system. Now they are healthy, happy, and, as you can see, adorable! These pictures are only of Kenny, since Jasmine was feeling shy during our photo session. I'll post some of her another time.
Here's proof that dogs are not the only animals that roll over...
...Cats just do it on their own terms!
Kenny wishes you all a very Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My Dad Should Be Glad I'm Not Khmer!
Before I explain our adventure, let me begin by telling those of you who don’t know, that Cambodians take their weddings very seriously. In the U.S., couples have been known to spend exorbitant amounts of money on rather elaborate marriage ceremonies. However, compared to the multi-day extravaganza of ceremonies, feasting, and clothing changes that a traditional Cambodian wedding involves, ours seem downright plain! And when you factor in the average income in Cambodia, the several thousand dollars spent on these affairs easily becomes a life savings spent in a matter of days. (So remember, girls, when your fathers get upset over the cost of your wedding dress or catering, to tell him “It could be worse. At least I’m not Khmer!)
But back to Avey’s wedding….
On the other side of the water, we walked a little ways, led by the sounds of Buddhist chants and songs until we found a large tent set up next to some small homes. The tent is where the many guests at the wedding would later enjoy an elaborate 8-course meal of fried fish, chicken, pork rolls and crab. More on that later.
First, we wanted to see Avey! In Cambodia, weddings do not happen at all like they do in the states. Because they often last for many days, the different ceremonies the bride and group go through are not watched by all the guests. So, many people in attendance were sitting in the tent waiting for the meal even while Avey and her husband-to-be were inside a house going through the process of getting married. It was a little awkward to climb up to the place where the ceremony was being held and walk in on the middle of chanting and different things, but no one really seemed to mind that we were there. Several ladies even came and pulled me to them and tried to help me find a comfortable seat to watch everything. I don’t know how to describe all of the different ceremonies I witnessed, because I honestly have no idea what most of it meant. But I do have a few interesting photos of the proceedings, so I thought I’d share them and let them speak for themselves.
After the ceremonies, Avey came down for some photo ops.
Notice the many different outfits Avey is sporting in these pictures? Apparently she changed clothes 10 times, though I only saw 4 of those outfits.
We had to rush back to Phnom Penh to make it in time for church services at 4pm, so we left the party very early around 2:30pm. Needless to say, my first Khmer wedding was definitely a unique and interesting cultural experience! While I enjoyed being a guest for the festivities, seeing such an elaborate event made me feel tired for those having to put it on. In fact, I decided that if I were Khmer, I’d probably just forgo the whole thing and elope!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Oh the Weather Outside is...wait....
Tomorrow I am off to a traditional Khmer wedding. The cook at Partners in Progress is getting married about 2 hours from the city, and we're taking a vanload to the event. Pictures are soon to follow.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
An Untraditional Tradition
Since Thanksgiving is a strictly American holiday (okay, so Canadians have a version too…) last Thursday was a regular working day here in Phnom Penh. But that did not stop the expatriate population from celebrating their beloved holiday. It just postponed it to Saturday. So, 2 days after the official festivities were celebrated in the U.S., 16 Americans in Cambodia got together to hold their own version. As you can see, we were not lacking in the food department!
Everyone pitched in to bring their favorite dishes- or “Cambodian-ified” versions of them. Graham crackers, cream cheese, fritos, corn syrup, pumpkin puree, corn meal are just a few of the items people in our group either could not find or could not justify paying outrageous prices for. So, substitutions abounded! Even still, everything turned out great! And while I did not sample any, I am told that the 4 chickens Sharon roasted were far superior to any “dry turkey” that might have been served on the other side of the globe.
My contribution was carrot-flavored hummus. Not necessarily traditional, but definitely something I love and miss from the states. Plus, it made a great vegetarian source of protein! :)
We completed the day with good conversation and a puzzle that Dennis and Sharon assure me was merely a warm-up for our 1,000-piece Christmas one.
All in all, my Cambodian Thanksgiving was a fun day because it was spent with some really wonderful people. (Of course, the fact that there was not a football in sight didn’t hurt either!)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Basic Vocab?
A typical lesson starts with a list of several vocabulary words for the student to define. These words are in relation to a short story from the Bible that the student reads, followed by a few comprehension and discussion questions. It’s funny to me how many seemingly-simple words in English are confusing and hard to define. Try explaining the word “bow” to a student. No problem. It’s that thing girls put in their hair. Oh, wait. Do you mean “bow” as in “bow and arrow”? Or maybe you’re thinking of the front of a ship? Or “bow” as in “take a bow”? Hmmm… That’s an awful lot of explaining for a three-letter word!
Today, I experienced the perfect example of the ambiguity that often goes along with the definitions of English words. While working on the new vocabulary for a particular lesson, my student, Sary, and I had an interesting little digression from the lesson. It started with us trying to define the word “ram”. (Our lesson was about Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac, and how God provided a ram in Isaac’s place.) Anyway, the conversation went something like this: (In case you can’t tell, Sary is “S” and I am “J”)
J: What does the word “ram” mean?
S: *Looking quite confident and proud of herself * “Random-access memory or temporary storage space on chips in a computer”
J: *Trying not to giggle* “That’s true. But since this story is from the Bible, that’s not the kind of ram we will be talking about today. The “ram” we are talking about is a boy sheep. Do you know what a sheep is?
S: *Thinks for a moment and suddenly seems to comprehend* “Oh! I know! It goes on the water!”
J: “No…. That’s a ship. They sound similar, don’t they?
S: *looks confused* “So… sheep…it means more than one ship?”
J: “No. More than one ship is ships, with an ‘s’.” Sheep is an animal with a very soft coat. *draws horrendous stick-figure of a sheep with a cloud-shaped body*
S: “Oh! I know! Sheep!” *seems to finally actually understand*
J: *Relieved, and ready to get back on-task* “Okay, so what is a ram? It is a boy sheep.”
S: “But what do we call a girl sheep?”
J: *Thinks for a minute* “Ummm…I guess just sheep.” It’s the same as with cows. You know, a girl cow is called ‘cow’ and a boy cow is called….”
S: “Ox!”
J: *wonders why she felt compelled to explain this in the first place* “Actually, that’s a different animal. A boy cow is a bull.”
S: *looks very confused* “Bill?”
J: “Let’s move on…”
Needless to say, I am sure I will have plenty of fun stories to tell from my experiences teaching English in Cambodia.
In the meantime, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Because of work schedules and other obligations, we will be postponing our celebration until this Saturday. Nearly 20 Americans from either PIP or CBI (Cambodian Bible Institute) will be gathering together for a big potluck meal here at Dennis and Sharon’s. It should be lots of fun!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
BIG News!
I’m sure you want to hear how this change of direction took place, so I’ll offer a brief explanation to you all.
I have been praying about and questioning my presence in Mumbai for the past few months. While my initial adjustment to India was difficult, I did not ever view the task as insurmountable. Throughout the 5 months I spent studying at TISS, I learned a great deal and was exposed to a lot of unique experiences. I would not trade the opportunity I was given to learn and grow in India for anything in the world. However, when it comes down to it, the situation I was in was not a good fit for me and what I want to do with my future.
As I said before, I learned a lot from going to TISS. I think the school has and will continue to produce wonderful social workers. My field work at Akshara opened my eyes to the plight of women on this continent in a way no textbook ever could. It has instilled in me a passion to champion for the rights of women around the globe and to use my position to act as a voice for the silenced in society. But in the end, I decided that I have gained all that I came to India to gain and that it would be more productive for me to finish my degree in the United States. It is therefore my current plan to apply to graduate schools within the U.S. and to obtain my Masters degree in my home country.
So where does Cambodia fit into all of this? Because I have several months between now and when I would start another graduate program in the U.S., I felt I wanted to use those months in a positive way. I didn’t see a point in staying in India and paying for another semester of school that would not transfer over to a U.S. system. In talking with my wonderful friends here, I came to know about a few different options for me to volunteer with nonprofit organizations in Phnom Penh itself.
One in particular that really seemed to fit with my desire to incorporate my faith into my work is Partners in Progress. After talking with the director of the program and discussing how I might be able to plug in, I’ve decided to work with PIP as an English teacher in their English Bible program. ( has a video about the English program as well as its many other works for those of you that are interested) Basically, I will work Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm teaching one-on-one English courses using World English Institute’s Bible-based curriculum. The program has a waiting list a mile long, so there will be no problem finding students to fill these spots, and I am plunging into my new job in just 2 days!
I’m really excited about this prospect, as I feel it will only add another dimension to my understanding of nonprofit work in the international context and will provide me with more practical experience in a foreign country. Also, because I really view social work as an opportunity for me to live out my faith and show the love of Christ to those around me, PIP’s faith-based foundation and focus are especially appealing. I feel incredibly blessed to be allowed to be a part of an organization that is doing so much good in the world, and I really do encourage you to look at their website when you get the chance. The English program is great, but it is just one of many amazing programs that PIP oversees.
I know that this post comes as quite a shock to a lot of people. I hope my explanation is clear enough and answer s any questions you might have. If you want to hear more about this decision and my embarking on my newest adventure, please don’t hesitate to email me. I’d love to share how I feel like God has guided this and is working in my life to help me serve Him and His people in the best way possible.
So, even though I may not be “Jill in India” any longer, I hope you will stick around to see how “Jill in India and BEYOND” develops! I’ll still be writing as I know Cambodia will have plenty of adventures for me to share with all of you!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Road Trip!
Okay, so we didn't exactly make the hike completely on our own! Here is the cart that took us a tiny portion of the way.
Our driver proved to be this incredibly nimble and really sweet woman who guided us all the way to the top. I have to say, I was more than a little embarrassed at how adept she was at climbing over the slippery terrain in her flip flops, while I gingerly tested every step I took. I guess she has made the trip more than a few times ,though, so she's figured out how to go.
To be honest, after a full day of traveling and hiking, I'm ready to call it an early night. So, instead of regailing you with my usual sort of in-depth stories, I will leave you with some photographic depictions of just some of the sights from today's excursion. I'll try to catch up with you all soon and share about some of
Okay, so this one is just for fun.... I couldn't resist!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cambodia Has Critters Too!
Monday, November 3, 2008
An Authentic Experience
That being said, while a lot of my time in Cambodia has been spent catching up on some leisurely reading and much-needed sleep, I have gotten to participate in a few really unique opportunities through Dennis and Sharon’s work in Phnom Penh. A few days after I arrived, I accompanied them and a vanload of Khmae students to a nearby village to participate in a Health Fair for the children in the area. Due to the obvious language barrier, there was not a lot that I could do to help at the Fair. However, I did get to witness some really encouraging work that is going on in the community, and see the application of some of what I am learning in school about social work in the rural setting.
