Sunday, October 5, 2008

The End of Monsoon?

This post has absolutely nothing to do with what I intended to write about today. But sometimes, things happen to me that are just too bizarre to NOT tell people. Today’s event definitely fell in that category.

After church this morning, I was waiting for the bus to head back to my flat. The bus stop has a tree next to it, which is usually a nice thing in monsoon, as it provides a slight filter for the deluge from above. Now that monsoon is over, I don’t think too much about the tree. But today, I was standing under it ever so slightly, when suddenly I heard this strange “thud” right next to me. Something had fallen from the branches above. When I looked down at my feet to see what it was, I immediately regretted having done so. On the ground, not 3 inches from my foot was a dead rat. Yes, that’s right. A dead rat had fallen from the tree above me and barely missed hitting me in its descent! I guess a bird or some other animal had been carrying the rat around and dropped it by mistake. I can’t imagine how else a rat would fall from the sky. In any case, you can believe I said a silent prayer of thanks right then and there that I hadn’t been standing a few inches to the right! I guess it just goes to show that, for all my complaining about monsoon, there ARE worse things than rain that could be falling from the sky!

As I mentioned before, I had another topic I wanted to write about today, but I think I will actually save it for tomorrow. But just to keep the suspense going, I’ll give you a hint about the subject matter: “A Christian and a Hindu walk into a Synagogue.....

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Maybe it was a Rat-Tree, and the earth was simply offering you her fruit.

Jill, this strikes me as obvious.